The NLR statistic was then calculated for the rotated time series, using the same breakpoint position as the observed data. This process was repeated for each rotation position until we stepped through the entire time series. The observed significance level (or P-value) was then estimated by the proportion of rotated time series for which NLR exceeded the observed value. The advantage AZD4547 of this approach is that, except for a negligible end effect, it preserves any serial dependence in the rotated time series of Δheading. Such serial dependence can
undermine the validity of a standard randomization test in which the time series is randomly scrambled (Manly 2006). The kernel Selleck Pembrolizumab density estimate (KDE) for the angular data was calculated according to Fisher (1995). Briefly, the KDE based on observations Δ1, Δ2, …, Δm has the form: (5) A common choice of bandwidth is: The nonparametric likelihood ratio test is designed to test for a general change in the distribution
of Δheading. To sharpen the analysis, we focused on detecting a change in the dispersion of Δheading as measured by the angular standard deviation σang. Let and be the sample angular standard deviations formed from the data before and after the cessation of the killer whale playback, respectively. To test the null hypothesis H0:σang,B = σang,A against the alternative hypothesis H1:σang,B ≠ σang,A, we formed the absolute difference . The significance of this absolute difference was assessed by the same rotation procedure outlined above. In this case, the P-value was approximated by the proportion of rotated time series for which the value of exceeded the observed value. During August and September of 2007, we used a digital acoustic recording tag (Dtag) (Johnson and Tyack 2003) to conduct a behavioral response study of check details a Blainville’s beaked whale. The Dtag was deployed on an adult female Blainville’s beaked whale at 24.6025ºN, 77.6210ºW on 2 September
2007 (Fig. 1). After tag attachment, the whale conducted a deep dive that we considered a preexposure baseline dive. Clicks from the tagged whale were monitored on the AUTEC hydrophone array. After the whale initiated its second deep dive and was heard producing echolocation clicks associated with foraging, the MFA playback was initiated. The whale ceased clicking 9 min after the start of playback, when the received level of the sonar signal at the tag was 138 dB re 1 μPa sound pressure level (SPL), with a cumulative sound exposure level of 142 dB re 1 μPa2s (fig. 9, Tyack et al. 2011). The whale then ascended more slowly than usual and moved away from the sound source. The whale remained in the area for around 2 h and then commenced a third foraging dive (Tyack et al. 2011). Once foraging clicks were initiated on the third dive, the whale was exposed to playback of the killer whale calls.