Longer time since heart transplant was the most significant predi

Longer time since heart transplant was the most significant predictor of a non-diagnostic biopsy sample (p < 0.001).

CONCLUSIONS: In the current era, cardiac catheterizations involving EMB can be performed in pediatric Nirogacestat manufacturer heart transplant recipients with a low AE rate and high diagnostic yield. Risk of HSAEs is increased in early post-transplant biopsies and with longer case length. Longer time since heart transplant is associated with non-diagnostic EMB samples. J Heart Lung Transplant 2012;31:398-409 (C) 2012 International Society for Heart and Lung Transplantation. All rights reserved.”
“Background: Intrauterine herpes

simplex virus (HSV) infection often is omitted from descriptions of neonatal HSV disease. Previous characterizations of intrauterine HSV infection limit manifestations to the triad of cutaneous, central nervous system (CNS), and ophthalmologic findings. We report 3 cases of intrauterine HSV infection and provide a contemporary literature review of this disease.

Methods: Cases published between 1963 and January 2009 were identified. Selected cases fit the clinical description of intrauterine HSV infection, had manifestations present at birth, and had virologic

confirmation of infection.

Results: This review yielded 64 cases, 3 of which were our own, of intrauterine HSV infection. Less than one-third fit the typical triad. Of the patients with cutaneous findings at birth, 24 (44%) had manifestations other than LDN-193189 vesicles or bullae. Confirmation of HSV infection by culture of cutaneous lesions present at birth was delayed beyond 72 hours after birth in 15 patients and

occurred at a median of 10 days of age. Nine of these patients had lesions at birth that were neither vesicles nor bullae, and 14 cases were confirmed by culture of new vesicles.

Conclusions: More than two-thirds of reported cases do not present with the typical triad. Cutaneous findings check details are not limited to vesicles or bullae. A high index of suspicion and recognition of varied cutaneous manifestations is necessary to diagnose infants with intrauterine HSV infection.”
“This paper presents a general method for extracting solar cell parameters from current-voltage characteristics obtained under illumination. In particular, it focuses on the problem of measuring very low values of series resistance with sufficient precision. The method makes use of two different sets of experimental data: a cell current-voltage characteristic measured at a fixed sun irradiance level and a set of short circuit current and open circuit voltage value pairs measured at various sun irradiance levels. The method involves an interplay of different fitting procedures iteratively performed to these two data sets. The method is tested on two single junction silicon cells with the same very low series resistance however, having two very different values of shunt resistance. It is shown that in both cases this method is much more precise and reproducible than other conventional methods.

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