5 hours after Jo2 administration (Fig. 5C). At 5 hours after Jo2 administration, marked phosphorylation and subsequent degradation of BimEL and reduction of the cytochrome c level in the mitochondrial fraction were seen in WT mice, whereas these changes were significantly suppressed in ASK1−/− mice (Fig. 5D). As reported,19 administration of a JNK inhibitor reduced Jo2-induced BimEL phosphorylation and serum ALT elevation. However, administration of a p38 inhibitor had no detectable effect on BimEL phosphorylation
or liver injury (Fig. 5E,F). These results suggest that ASK1 plays an important role in Fas-induced activation of the JNK–Bim–mitochondrial apoptotic pathway. Next, check details to examine whether ASK1 may be involved in a Fas-induced mitochondria-independent apoptotic pathway, we used primary thymocytes, which are independent of mitochondria for Fas-induced apoptosis (so-called type I cells). Fas-induced activation of JNK and p38 was reduced in ASK1−/− thymocytes, whereas caspase-3 activation and cell viability were comparable between WT and ASK1−/− thymocytes (Supporting Fig. 1A,B), suggesting that ASK1 is not required for the mitochondria-independent
apoptotic pathway. Recently, Fas signaling was reported to play a role in not only cancer cell apoptosis, but also cancer cell proliferation.26 JNK has also been shown to be one of the main mediators of Fas-mediated proliferative learn more signals. To investigate whether ASK1 participated in Fas-mediated hepatocyte proliferation, we injected Jo2 to WT and ASK1−/− mice after partial hepatectomy, which is known to convert
Fas signaling from Atezolizumab mouse apoptotic to proliferative.27 As reported,26, 27 Jo2 injection after partial hepatectomy induced JNK phosphorylation and accelerated hepatocyte proliferation without liver injury (Supporting Fig. 2A,B). Although liver regeneration after partial hepatectomy and Jo2-induced JNK phosphorylation were slightly impaired in ASK1−/− mice (especially the upper band corresponding to JNK2), there was no significant difference in Jo2-mediated acceleration of hepatocyte proliferation (Supporting Fig. 2A,B). Thus, ASK1 seemed to regulate the apoptotic, but not proliferative, function of JNK in Fas signaling. To further confirm the involvement of ASK1 in Fas-induced hepatocyte apoptosis, we examined whether the reintroduction of ASK1 to ASK1−/− mouse liver restored sensitivity to Fas. We injected an adenoviral vector encoding either Ad-ASK1 or LacZ into the tail vein of ASK1−/− mice. ASK1 protein was successfully expressed in ASK1−/− mouse liver, as much as that in WT mouse liver, at 48 hours after Ad-ASK1 injection (Fig. 6A). Immunohistochemical analysis using anti-HA antibody revealed that ≈70%-80% of hepatocytes were transduced with the ASK1 gene (Fig. 6B). The reintroduction of ASK1 did not affect the serum ALT level or liver histology.