However, no NMDAR-LTD could be observed in the cells transfected with the shRNAs (Figures 5G and 5H), whereas NMDAR-LTD was reliably induced in interleaved experiments in neurons transfected with control shRNA (Figure 3H). With both shRNAs against STAT3 there was a small decrease selleck kinase inhibitor in the synaptic response following the LTD stimulus
protocol but this was similar for both the test and control inputs, and significantly smaller than for control LTD. When all these data are considered together it strongly suggests that STAT3 is the isoform involved in NMDAR-LTD. Since, when activated, STAT3 translocates to the nucleus, we wanted to see if this activation and translocation also occurs during NMDAR-LTD. In cultured hippocampal neurons under control conditions, STAT3 immunoreactivity was fairly evenly distributed throughout the neuron, including the nucleus (Figure 6A). NMDA treatment (20 μM,
10 min) resulted in nuclear translocation and activation of STAT3 (Figure 6A). Maximal nuclear accumulation was observed immediately following NMDAR stimulation and the effect persisted for between 1 and 2 hr (Figures 6A and 6B). There was a corresponding activation of nuclear STAT3, as assessed by the phosphorylation of Tyr 705 (P-STAT3), which also lasted for between 1 and 2 hr (Figures 6A and 6B). Consistent with the activation of STAT3 being mediated by JAK2, treatment of cultures with AG490 prevented both the translocation of STAT3 and activation of nuclear STAT3 (Figure 6C). To investigate ALK inhibitor whether STAT3 is also activated by LFS in hippocampal slices, we analyzed the levels of STAT3 and P-STAT3 in the CA1 region of hippocampal slices by western blotting. For these experiments, we microdissected both stratum
radiatum, which is enriched in CA1 dendrites, and stratum pyramidale, which is correspondingly enriched in CA1 cell soma (Figure 6D). We prepared a nuclear fraction from the microdissected cell soma preparation and examined the expression of P-STAT3 relative to total STAT3. LFS resulted in a pronounced L-NAME HCl activation of nuclear STAT3 (199% ± 23%, n = 14, Figures 6D and 6F), which was absent if LFS was delivered in the presence of AP5 (94% ± 8%, n = 10), okadaic acid (87% ± 17%, n = 5) or cyclosporine A (136% ± 46%, n = 5; Figures 6E and 6F). Interestingly, LFS also resulted in activation of dendritic STAT3 (135% ± 10%, n = 14; Figures 6D and 6F) and this effect was also dependent on the synaptic activation of NMDARs (110% ± 11% in presence of AP5, n = 10; Figures 6E and 6F). These results are consistent with the immunocytochemistry (Figures 6A and 6B) in cultured neurons and extend them by showing the dependence of nuclear STAT3 activation on the PP1/PP2B protein phosphatase cascade.