Importantly, results from the inter-regional analysis highlight the hierarchical structure of the auditory system during the processing of Natural Music. For example, significant positive connectivity in subcortical structures was specific to well-described connections in the ascending auditory system, including the IC to MGN connection as well as the MGN to HG connection (Kaas & Hackett, 2000). Additionally, the results also indicated highly synchronized responses among auditory cortical regions learn more of superior temporal cortex, including HG, PP, PT and pSTG. The inter-regional analysis also identified three positively correlated long-range connections, including HG
to IFG, HG to SMG, the fronto-parietal IFG to SMG connection, as well as one negatively correlated long-range connection, PP to the PGp division of the AG. We also examined inter-regional synchronization for the two control conditions using the same ROIs used for the Natural Music condition (Tables 3 and 4). The results show that inter-regional synchronization is similar between the Natural Music and Spectrally-Rotated conditions but, consistent with ISS results, inter-regional synchronization is sharply reduced in the Phase-Scrambled control condition. These results also provide PLX3397 novel evidence that ISS is distinct from inter-regional
synchronization and represents fundamentally Masitinib (AB1010) different aspects of information processing. In the second analysis, we performed an inter-subject, cross-spectra
analysis using a continuous wavelet transform to examine time-dependent, frequency-specific correlations between subjects’ fMRI activity measured throughout the entire Natural Music stimulus (> 9 min in duration). We hypothesized that if the rhythm of the Natural Music, or any other temporal regularities evident in all subjects’ fMRI data, was driving ISS results, then the cross-spectra magnitude would show consistently high amplitudes over time in subject-to-subject comparisons. The cross-spectra analysis revealed that correlations between subjects’ fMRI time series from three right hemisphere ROIs (IC, HG and IFG) failed to show consistently high amplitudes over time (Fig. 8). Rather, intermittent and isolated periods of spectral coherence over time were evident, suggesting that consistent temporal regularities in the stimulus were not responsible for driving our observed ISS results. In the third analysis, we examined whether consistent patterns of movement in the scanner may have driven ISS results. Here, we compared ISS (136 subject-to-subject comparisons) for the Natural Music and Phase-Scrambled conditions using the time series from the six affine movement parameters. Movement parameters did not differ (P > 0.