It increases the risk to gallbladder cancer ● Diagnostic approac

It increases the risk to gallbladder cancer. ● Diagnostic approach of Mirizzi usually begins with history taking, physical exam, lab exam, ultrasonography followed by cholangiography via endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography, direct percutaneous cholangiography, or magnetic resonance cholangiography. ● Endoscopic treatment with or without electrohydraulic lithotripsy (EHL) considered to be effective as a temporizing measure before surgery like the one underwent in this case file. Surgery is the main therapy for Mirizzi syndrome, eliminating definitive pathomechanisms of this entity,

i.e., the inflamed gallbladder and the impacted stone. Surgical modalities depend on the type of Mirizzi syndrome, which range from laparoscopic, closure of fistula, cholodeochoplasty, and bilioenteric anastomosis. Fluorouracil order Key Word(s): 1. Mirizzi syndrome; 2. management; 3. diagnosis Presenting Author: SEOK JEONG Additional Authors: DON HAENG LEE, YONG WOON SHIN Corresponding Author: SEOK JEONG Affiliations: Inha University School of Medicine, Inha University School of Medicine Objective: The aim of this study is to estimate the safety, efficacy and photosensitizer stability of endobiliary PDT using PDT-stent in

swine model. Methods: Single session of endoscopic biliary in-stent PDT was performed with various energy amount

of laser after insertion of PDT-stent in the common bile duct (CBD) of twelve swine to determine proper energy level of laser for PDT. Two days later, bile ducts were extracted for pathologic examination. Biliary PDT with 70 J/cm 2, and cholangiogram were repeated at 2-week intervals over a period of 4 weeks or 8 weeks after PDT-stent insertion in 6 swine. Then the bile ducts and the inserted stent were obtained after two days for pathologic analysis and medchemexpress quantification of fluorescence intensity (FI) for Pheoporbide A (Pheo-A) remained from PDT-stent. Results: There was no evidence of bile duct perforation in all animals on follow up cholangiograms after single or repeated biliary PDT. Repeated PDT caused only surface mucosal necrosis in all animals and the degree of inflammation was constant irrespective of number of PDT session. The FI of Pheo-A from PDT-stent was reduced to 50 and 60% of baseline FI for 100 and 150 J/cm 2 group, respectively after single session of PDT. After 3 or 5 sessions of PDT with 70 J/cm 2, the FI of PDT-stents observed to be similar to that of the PDT-stent before laser irradiation. Conclusion: Endoscopic biliary PDT using the PDT-stent was safe, effective, and repeatable over a period of 8 weeks for the treatment of cholangiocarcinoma. Key Word(s): 1. cholangiocarcinoma; 2. photodynamic therapy; 3.

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