Only a few studies have reported on swarming motility of Burkholderia buy Doramapimod species, which is at least in part attributed to the lack of knowledge available regarding wetting agents produced by members of this genus. The swarming motility of B. cepacia has been observed, and the authors hypothesized that biosurfactants are involved [41]. We have also recently reported conditions under which B. thailandensis can swarm [42]. The present study demonstrates that swarming motility of a B. thailandensis double ΔrhlA mutant is completely prevented. This is in agreement with previous studies showing that inactivation of rhlA
inhibits swarming by P. aeruginosa [16, 40]. Furthermore, a mutation in any of the two rhlA genes hinders swarming of B. thailandensis, suggesting that a critical concentration of rhamnolipids is required and that the levels reached when only one of the two gene clusters is functional are not sufficient to allow the bacteria to completely
overcome surface tension. The complementation experiment with exogenous addition of increasing concentrations of rhamnolipids further corroborates that there is indeed a critical concentration of biosurfactant necessary for B. thailandensis to swarm, and that both rhl gene clusters buy KPT-330 contribute differently to the total concentration of rhamnolipids produced. The cross-feeding experiment suggests that rhamnolipids produced by B. thailandensis diffuse to only a short distance in
the agar medium surrounding the colony. Conclusions The discovery that B. thailandensis is capable of producing Phospholipase D1 considerable amounts of long chain dirhamnolipids makes it an interesting candidate for the production of biodegradable biosurfactants with good tensioactive properties. Furthermore, that this bacterium is non-infectious makes it an ideal alternative to the use of the opportunistic pathogen P. aeruginosa for the large scale production of these compounds for industrial applications. Finally, identification of the same paralogous rhl gene clusters responsible of the production of long chain rhamnolipids in the closely-related species B. pseudomallei might shed some light on the virulence mechanisms utilized by this pathogen during the development of infections. Methods Bacteria and culture conditions The bacterial strains used in this study, B. thailandensis E264 (ATCC) [24] and B. pseudomallei 1026b [43], were grown in Nutrient Broth (NB; EMD Chemicals) supplemented with 4% glycerol (Fisher) at 34°C on a rotary shaker, unless otherwise stated. Escherichia coli SM10 λpir (thi-1 thr leu tonA lacY supE recA::RP4-2-Tc::Mu Kmr λpir) served as a donor for conjugation experiments and was grown in Tryptic Soy Broth (TSB) (Difco) under the same conditions [44]. When necessary, 150 μg/ml tetracycline or 100 μg/ml trimethoprim was added for B. thailandensis mutant selection. To follow the production of rhamnolipids by B.