These intrinsic reparative processes tend to become less marked with age, but nevertheless are there throughout life so can, and have been, exploited therapeutically. In this special issue of Neuropathology and Applied Neurobiology we have sought to explore several of these aspects of regenerative neurobiology around a range of disorders which also serves to highlight some of the problems that such approaches generate as well as their ability to provide new insights into disease processes themselves The ability of the mature mammalian CNS to generate new neurones has become increasingly recognised over the last 10–20 years, although evidence
suggesting that this was the case existed from the 1960s [1]. However the extent to which this occurs Vincristine in the adult human CNS has been debated in terms of
its rate, where it occurs and its normal physiological role but there now seems overwhelming evidence that it does occur at least in two sites – the subventricular zone with the cells so generated heading primarily to the olfactory bulb and the hippocampal subgranular zone where the cells integrate Saracatinib datasheet into the dentate gyrus [2,3]. In either site the cells so generated probably have a role in certain forms of cognition (e.g. pattern separation in the dentate gyrus [4]), but may also be involved in disease processes [5]. Thus manipulating these populations Chloroambucil of cells may be a therapeutic route by which to treat a number of disorders, and this has been explored in many conditions – in terms of trying to upregulate the intrinsic neurogenic process as well as redirect it to areas of damage now in need of repair. This whole area of adult neurogenesis forms the topic for the review by S.M.G. Braun and S. Jessberger (pp. 3–12) and covers not just neurological disorders but also aspects of neuropsychiatry given the posited role of abnormalities in hippocampal neurogenesis in depression. The fact that neurogenesis occurs and can be dynamically altered by disease and drugs
is not restricted to these areas as it can also be influenced by environmental enrichment – the condition in which animals are placed in environments with a large number of cognitive and physical stimulants. Under such circumstances animals interact more and appear to be able to upregulate neurogenesis along with the central production of growth factors such as brain neurotrophic factor (BDNF) and with this synaptic formation and function. This has generated a great deal of interest as it would suggest that patients placed in programmes of high intensity rehabilitation may do very well and as such many trials exploring this are being pursued globally (e.g. [6]). However one of the problems in this field is that much of what is seen experimentally looks at animals placed in enriched environments vs.