Some of the motivational functions of mesolimbic DA represent are

Some of the motivational functions of mesolimbic DA represent areas of overlap between aspects of motivation and features of motor control, which is consistent with the well known involvement of nucleus accumbens in locomotion and related processes. Furthermore, despite an enormous literature linking mesolimbic DA to aspects of aversive motivation and learning, a literature which goes back several decades (e.g., Salamone et al., 1994), the established tendency has been to emphasize dopaminergic involvement in reward, pleasure, addiction, and reward-related learning, with less consideration of the involvement of mesolimbic DA in aversive processes. The present review will discuss the involvement of mesolimbic

DA in diverse aspects of motivation, with an emphasis on experiments that interfere with DA transmission, particularly in nucleus accumbens. If nothing else,

humans are inveterate story tellers; we are, after all, the descendants of people who sat around the fire at night being regaled by vivid myths, tales, and oral histories. Human memory is more efficacious if random facts or events can be woven into the meaningful tapestry of a coherent story. Scientists are no different. An effective university lecture, or a scientific seminar, is often referred to as “a good story.” So it is with scientific hypotheses and theories. Our brain seems to crave the order and coherence of thought offered by a simple and clear scientific hypothesis, backed up by just enough evidence to make it plausible. The problem is—what if the coherence of the story is being

Rapamycin enhanced by overinterpreting some findings, and ignoring others? Gradually, the pieces of the puzzle that do not fit continue to eat away at the whole, eventually rendering the entire story woefully inadequate. One can argue that this kind of evolution has taken place with regards to the DA hypothesis of “reward.” A “story” could be constructed, which would proceed as follows: the main symptom of depression is next anhedonia, and since DA is a “reward transmitter” that mediates hedonic reactions, then depression is due to a reduction of DA-regulated experience of pleasure. Likewise, it has been suggested that drug addiction depends upon the experience of pleasure induced by drugs that hijack the brain’s “reward system,” which is mediated by DA transmission and evolved to convey the pleasure produced by natural stimuli such as food. This would even suggest that blocking DA receptors could offer a readily effective treatment for addiction. Finally, one could also offer a “story” constructed on the premise that DA neurons exclusively respond to pleasurable stimuli such as food and that this activity mediates the emotional response to these stimuli, which in turn underlies the appetite for food consumption. Such stories are not “straw men” that are artificially constructed for these passages.

This curve was then fitted with a Weibull function The normalize

This curve was then fitted with a Weibull function. The normalized neurometric curve showed a high similarity to the psychometric curve (r = 0.87 and 0.93 p < 0.01, for monkeys L and S, respectively). These results further support the notion that the population-response difference between circle and background can be useful for making a behavioral decision. Figure 5D displays the normalized population response as a function of orientation

jitter in the background area (left; monkey L; n = 9 recording sessions) and in the circle area (right; monkey S; n = 5 recording sessions). check details The population response in the background is minimal for the contour condition (jitter = 0), and it increases with orientation jitter; i.e., the background suppression is decreasing with jitter (Figure 5D, left). The population response in the circle is maximal in the OTX015 in vivo contour condition (jitter = 0), and it decreases with the orientation jitter; i.e., the enhancement in the circle is decreasing with the jitter (Figure 5D, right). Monkey L displayed a strong and significant negative correlation with the psychophysical performance in the background area (r = −0.74;

p = 0.02); however, the correlation in the circle area was small and positive but not significant (r = 0.14; p = 0.72). Monkey S displayed a strong positive and significant correlation with the psychometric curve in the circle area (r = 0.81; p = 0.03) but a nonsignificant negative correlation in the background area (r = −0.49; p = 0.32). These results can suggest that the monkeys were displaying already different approaches of brain activity to process contour integration and then to segregate the contour from the noisy background. In other words, the monkeys may have used different weights for the circle and background areas in order to detect the contour from the noisy background. Although the correlation between contour saliency and neurometric curve is informative, the relation to the monkey’s perceptual report is still unclear. To study this, we compared

the FG-mjitt for orientation jitter trials, where the monkey was reporting either contour or noncontour with high probabilities. Because the stimulus remained the same and the report varied, it allowed us to test whether the observed modulations in V1 are linked to the monkeys’ perceptual report. Figure 6A displays the FG-mjitt as a function of time for two examples of orientation jitter conditions (±15 degrees in monkey L and ±10 degrees in monkey S). For both cases, the FG-mjitt in contour reported trials was higher in the late phase compared to the noncontour reported trials. This was true over multiple imaging sessions in both animals (Figure 6B. n = 6 and 9 orientation jitter conditions in which contour detection was 25%–75% in monkeys L and S, respectively; p < 0.05, paired sign ranked test).

Thus, this data-driven

Thus, this data-driven selleckchem approach confirmed the participation of both dorsal (aIPS/FEF)

and ventral (rTPJ) attentional networks during viewing of the complex dynamic environments, and further supported the specificity of the rTPJ and right pMTG for the processing of the Entity video containing human-like characters. We completed the investigation of spatial covert orienting in complex dynamic environments by considering the functional coupling of the rTPJ with the rest of the brain. We found that, irrespective of the video (Entity/No_Entity) and viewing condition (covert/overt), there was a significant covariation between activity in rTPJ and activity in the IFG, bilaterally, and activity in the left TPJ (see Table 4, plus Figure 4C). A 2 × 2 AVOVA comparing rTPJ couplings in the four conditions

did not reveal any significant main effect or interaction, indicating that the functional coupling between posterior (rTPJ) and anterior (IFG) nodes of the ventral attentional network was similar for the two types of video and the two forms of spatial orienting. The present study aimed at investigating stimulus-driven visuo-spatial attention in a complex and dynamic environment, combining computational modeling, behavioral measures, and BOLD activation. Our results demonstrate that task-irrelevant bottom-up input is processed both in the dorsal and the ventral attention systems. Nutlin3a until Activity in the two systems was associated with the efficacy of bottom-up signals for covert orienting of spatial attention. The results also revealed a distinction between the two systems: dorsal areas were found to continually represent the efficacy of background salience, while ventral

regions responded transiently to attention-grabbing distinctive events. By using ecologically valid settings, these findings challenge traditional models of visuo-spatial attention, demonstrating that the efficacy of bottom-up input determines activation of the attention control systems, rather than the input signal or the orienting process as such. We used saliency maps to characterize our visual environment (Itti et al., 1998). The fMRI analyses showed that mean saliency covaried on a scan-by-scan basis with activity in the occipital visual cortex and the left aIPS (see Figure 1C). More targeted ROI analyses indicated that also the other nodes of the dorsal fronto-parietal network (right aIPS, and FEF bilaterally) showed an effect of mean saliency. The effect of salience in occipital cortex is not surprising, as movie segments with high saliency values typically comprise a larger and/or a greater number of disparities in basic visual features that are represented in occipital cortex. These findings are consistent with those of Thielscher et al.

Thus, we asked whether α-syn pffs, formed from purified recombina

Thus, we asked whether α-syn pffs, formed from purified recombinant human WT α-syn (α-syn-hWT), recruit endogenous α-syn into pathologic, insoluble inclusions. We show that α-syn pffs are internalized and induce endogenous α-syn expressed in primary neurons to aggregate into inclusions resembling LBs and LNs in human

this website PD brains. LN-like accumulations are initially detected in axons and α-syn pathology then propagates to the cell body where LB-like inclusions develop. Formation of these PD-like α-syn LNs and LBs causes selective reductions in synaptic proteins, and progressive impairments in neuronal network function and excitability that culminate in neuron death. To determine whether exogenous human α-syn pffs can seed recruitment of endogenously expressed mouse α-syn into insoluble LB-like and LN-like fibrillar aggregates, we added α-syn pffs generated from full-length recombinant α-syn-hWT to primary hippocampal neurons derived from WT C57BL6 mice after culturing them for 5–6 days in vitro (DIV). These neurons were examined 2 weeks after the addition of α-syn-hWT pffs, when synapses are mature, and α-syn is normally localized to presynaptic terminals Fluorouracil supplier (Murphy et al., 2000). In PBS-treated hippocampal neurons, endogenous mouse α-syn localized to presynaptic puncta as visualized

using monoclonal antibody (mAB) Syn202, a pansynuclein antibody (Giasson et al., 2000) (Figure 1A, top panels). In contrast, in α-syn-hWT pff-treated neurons, α-syn did not localize to the presynaptic terminal (Figure 1A), but instead formed fibrillar LN-like inclusions. To determine whether the α-syn aggregates were detergent insoluble, PBS and α-syn-hWT pff-treated neurons were extracted with buffer containing 1% Triton X-100 (Tx-100) during fixation. Under such conditions, endogenous α-syn within neuronal processes in PBS-treated neurons was soluble in

Tx-100, but cells incubated with α-syn-hWT pffs showed Tx-100-insoluble aggregates (Figure 1A). α-syn recruited into pathologic inclusions undergoes extensive phosphorylation at Ser129 (pSer129); thus antibodies against pSer129 selectively recognize α-syn pathology Oxymatrine (Fujiwara et al., 2002). Furthermore, as this modification is absent in recombinant α-syn pffs (Figure 1B, first lane on left, Luk et al., 2009), the accumulation of phosphorylated α-syn (p-α-syn) reflects an intracellular modification. PBS-treated neurons did not show staining with 81A, a mAB specific for pSer129 (Figure 1C, Waxman and Giasson, 2008). However, neurons treated with α-syn-hWT pffs showed intense 81A immunostaining that was Tx-100 insoluble (Figure 1C). Pff-induced aggregates exhibited morphologies ranging from small puncta to LN-like inclusions of variable lengths within neurites (Figures 1C, 1D, 2, and Figure 4, Figure 5, Figure 6 and Figure 7). Within neuronal perikarya, these α-syn accumulations resembled LBs observed in human PD brains (Figure 1C inset).

Unlike prototypic GP-TI cells, none of the GP-TA neurons (n = 5)

Unlike prototypic GP-TI cells, none of the GP-TA neurons (n = 5) gave rise to a descending projection axon that targeted downstream BG nuclei. Instead, all reconstructed GP-TA neurons emitted local axon collaterals (although somewhat restricted; see below) and at least one ascending projection axon collateral that targeted striatum (Figure 4). Reconstructing the full axonal arborizations of every labeled GP-TA neuron was beyond the scope of this study, but we visually learn more confirmed the extrinsic axonal projections of another nine GP-TA neurons (revealed with Ni-DAB). All but one of these neurons gave rise to only ascending axonal projections that

entered and ramified in striatum; one unusual neuron innervated striatum and EPN. GP-TA neurons thus challenge the widely-held assumption that all GPe neurons innervate STN (Baufreton et al., 2009, Bevan et al., 1998, Smith et al., 1998 and Wichmann and DeLong, 1996). The specific striatal innervation of the two fully-reconstructed GP-TA neurons (cells #6 and #7) was massive; the main axon split to form up to five ascending collaterals that established dense clusters of boutons over large striatal territories (Figures 4A and 4B). Remarkably, each GP-TA neuron gave rise to thousands of axonal boutons in striatum (9,085 and 13,789 boutons for cells #6 and #7). This extensive striatal innervation meant that total axon lengths of GP-TA neurons

(126.2 and 164.2 mm for cells #6 and #7) were considerably longer than those of MTMR9 GP-TI neurons (37.8 and 59.4 mm for cells #1 and #2). Electrophysiological and molecular diversity in GPe is thus mirrored by a profound structural diversity. While GP-TI neurons innervate STN and other downstream BG nuclei, GP-TA neurons do not conform to this prototypic connectivity but instead provide a massive innervation of striatum. Our discovery

of a novel GPe cell type that only projects to striatum raises the issue of which types of striatal neuron are innervated. We first tested whether identified GP-TA neurons target the three major classes of aspiny interneuron (two GABAergic, one cholinergic) by revealing immunoreactivity for PV, nitric oxide synthase (NOS), or ChAT (Tepper and Bolam, 2004), respectively, with a light-brown DAB precipitate. The axons of single neurobiotin-labeled GP-TA neurons (n = 3) were revealed with a black Ni-DAB precipitate. Axonal boutons were found in close apposition to the somata and proximal dendrites of all three classes of interneuron, some of which were targeted by clusters of apposed boutons arranged in a “basket-like” manner (Figures 5A–C). Such specialized arrangements are indicative of synaptic contacts established by GPe cells (Bevan et al., 1998 and Sadek et al., 2007). This analysis thus suggests that different classes of striatal interneurons are targeted by GP-TA neurons.

, 2009), and a polymorphism has also been linked to DLB (Nishioka

, 2009), and a polymorphism has also been linked to DLB (Nishioka et al., 2010). Rather than contribute to disease simply through a decline in their protective function (Li et al., 2004 and Rockenstein et al., 2001), which nonetheless remains a possibility, β- and γ-synuclein may thus cause degeneration. α-synuclein also deposits in other neurodegenerative disorders. Alzheimer’s disease shows Lewy pathology in up to 60% of cases but is more often restricted to the amygdala than in PD or DLB (Hamilton, 2000, Leverenz et al., 2008 and Uchikado et al., 2006). Neurodegeneration with brain iron accumulation due to mutations in pantothenate kinase

selleck screening library type 2 also exhibit Lewy pathology labeling for α-synuclein and neuroaxonal spheroids labeling for β- and γ- (Galvin et al., 2000 and Wakabayashi et al., 2000). Thus, synucleins accumulate in a variety of neurodegenerative processes, suggesting either that they are sensitive reporters for specific cellular defects or that

they participate in the response to injury. In addition to point mutations, duplication and triplication PCI-32765 ic50 of the chromosomal region surrounding the α-synuclein gene have been found to produce dominantly inherited PD (Ahn et al., 2008 and Singleton et al., 2003). The affected chromosomal region contains several other genes as well, but the neuropathology reveals deposition of synuclein (Seidel et al., 2010 and Yamaguchi et al., 2005), and the phenotype most likely reflects multiplication of the α-synuclein gene. In this case, the sequence of synuclein is wild-type, making the important prediction that a simple increase in the protein rather than a change in its properties suffices to produce PD. The duplication produces a form of PD similar in onset and symptoms to the sporadic disorder,

but the triplication causes an exceptionally severe phenotype, with much earlier onset and prominent cognitive as well as motor impairment (Ahn et al., 2008, Ibáñez et al., 2004 and Ross et al., 2008). The more global neurologic and behavioral deficits Astemizole observed with gene multiplication and point mutation presumably reflect a generalized increase in synuclein by all of the neurons that normally express the gene, and α-synuclein is very widely expressed under normal conditions (Iwai et al., 1995). In contrast, the preferential involvement in sporadic PD of particular systems such as the nigrostriatal projection presumably reflects the upregulation of synuclein within specific cells. Indeed, genome-wide association studies of risk in idiopathic PD reveal the largest contributions from the synuclein gene itself (as well as the microtubule-associated protein tau) (Simón-Sánchez et al., 2009).

Although exercise intervention in treating drug addiction has bee

Although exercise intervention in treating drug addiction has been widely recognized and used in human rehabilitation, the sex differences in exercise intervention’s effect on drug OSI-744 nmr addiction and rehabilitation are understudied. One of

the main reasons is that much of the animal studies were performed on one gender, particularly male. As a recent article published in Nature by Pollitzer 123 indicated, sex differences exist not only in basic cell biology, but also in clinical research including drug effectiveness and side effects. While the majority of animal studies used male subjects exclusively, the outcome from those animal studies may influence the future translational approaches in human studies since the gender differences were not specified. In this review, we first discussed sex differences in various drug addictions in two major animal models: SA and CPP paradigms. Then, we discussed the different effects of active and passive exercises Depsipeptide on drug rehabilitation on male and female animals. Lastly, we specifically summarized the preventive and therapeutic effects of exercise on drug addiction in male

and female animals. Indeed, to further understand the sex differences in drug addiction and exercise intervention, more studies on the neurobiological mechanisms of exercise and its roles in preventing and treating drug addiction are needed. This work was supported by grants from the Shanghai Science and Technology Commission (NO. 13490503600) and National Natural Science Foundation of China (NO. 31171004). “
“It is anticipated that there will be almost 89 million people 65 years old or above by the year 2050.1 As the number of elderly people worldwide increases,2 interest in health related outcomes of aging has concurrently increased. It has been suggested that an age-associated decline in physical function, however cardiorespiratory fitness, and muscle

mass may accelerate the physiological decline in later decades of life3 and lead to an increase in morbidity and mortality rates.2 and 4 Women are of particular interest due to some gender differences accompanying aging, particularly as a result of menopause. Physiological decline, particularly a reduction in bone mineral density (BMD) can be attributed to estrogen deficiency as a result of menopause.5 Reductions in BMD put older women at risk for osteoporosis which can lead to balance and gait issues, a higher risk of injury, subsequent financial costs,6 and even a higher risk of mortality.2 More so, a decrease in muscle strength in combination with reduced BMD can further impair balance and mobility, leading to a decline in functional capacity.7 Thus, it becomes apparent of the need for resistance training to attenuate the decline in lean mass, muscle mass, and BMD that accompany aging and inactivity.