Some of the motivational functions of mesolimbic DA represent areas of overlap between aspects of motivation and features of motor control, which is consistent with the well known involvement of nucleus accumbens in locomotion and related processes. Furthermore, despite an enormous literature linking mesolimbic DA to aspects of aversive motivation and learning, a literature which goes back several decades (e.g., Salamone et al., 1994), the established tendency has been to emphasize dopaminergic involvement in reward, pleasure, addiction, and reward-related learning, with less consideration of the involvement of mesolimbic DA in aversive processes. The present review will discuss the involvement of mesolimbic
DA in diverse aspects of motivation, with an emphasis on experiments that interfere with DA transmission, particularly in nucleus accumbens. If nothing else,
humans are inveterate story tellers; we are, after all, the descendants of people who sat around the fire at night being regaled by vivid myths, tales, and oral histories. Human memory is more efficacious if random facts or events can be woven into the meaningful tapestry of a coherent story. Scientists are no different. An effective university lecture, or a scientific seminar, is often referred to as “a good story.” So it is with scientific hypotheses and theories. Our brain seems to crave the order and coherence of thought offered by a simple and clear scientific hypothesis, backed up by just enough evidence to make it plausible. The problem is—what if the coherence of the story is being
Rapamycin enhanced by overinterpreting some findings, and ignoring others? Gradually, the pieces of the puzzle that do not fit continue to eat away at the whole, eventually rendering the entire story woefully inadequate. One can argue that this kind of evolution has taken place with regards to the DA hypothesis of “reward.” A “story” could be constructed, which would proceed as follows: the main symptom of depression is next anhedonia, and since DA is a “reward transmitter” that mediates hedonic reactions, then depression is due to a reduction of DA-regulated experience of pleasure. Likewise, it has been suggested that drug addiction depends upon the experience of pleasure induced by drugs that hijack the brain’s “reward system,” which is mediated by DA transmission and evolved to convey the pleasure produced by natural stimuli such as food. This would even suggest that blocking DA receptors could offer a readily effective treatment for addiction. Finally, one could also offer a “story” constructed on the premise that DA neurons exclusively respond to pleasurable stimuli such as food and that this activity mediates the emotional response to these stimuli, which in turn underlies the appetite for food consumption. Such stories are not “straw men” that are artificially constructed for these passages.